Police Explorers
What is a Police Explorer?
A Police Explorer is a person between the ages of 14 and 21 who is interested in the field of law enforcement. He or she participates in meetings, training sessions, ride-alongs with experienced police officers, and other activities such as the Explorer Police Academy as part of the learning process. Leadership positions are obtained through elections and the completion of certain training requirements. The Rochester Police Explorer post is fully chartered by the Daniel Webster Council.
Who Can be a Police Explorer?
Anyone can be a Police Explorer as long as s/he is of good character, is between the ages of 14 and 21, and maintains a “C” average in school.
More about the Rochester Post:
The Rochester Police Explorer Program is a fun and friendly group that studies the many topics within law enforcement. It is required of you to be 14 and a graduate of the eighth grade. Along with learning new things, the explorer group does many hands on activities giving us real life experience in a variety of ways. We have done simunitions, a variety of simulations, defensive tactics, and physical fitness activities, all of which were a lot of fun.
The program is based on friendship, loyalty, and dedication not only to the program, but to the people in it as well. We look forward to the meeting because we are able share what we are passionate about with other people. If you are interested in joining the post, we meet the first and third Mondays of every month from 6:00-8:00 at the Rochester Police Department. If you are interested or have any questions you can contact Officer Andrew Jackson by email.
A Police Explorer is a person between the ages of 14 and 21 who is interested in the field of law enforcement. He or she participates in meetings, training sessions, ride-alongs with experienced police officers, and other activities such as the Explorer Police Academy as part of the learning process. Leadership positions are obtained through elections and the completion of certain training requirements. The Rochester Police Explorer post is fully chartered by the Daniel Webster Council.
Who Can be a Police Explorer?
Anyone can be a Police Explorer as long as s/he is of good character, is between the ages of 14 and 21, and maintains a “C” average in school.
More about the Rochester Post:
The Rochester Police Explorer Program is a fun and friendly group that studies the many topics within law enforcement. It is required of you to be 14 and a graduate of the eighth grade. Along with learning new things, the explorer group does many hands on activities giving us real life experience in a variety of ways. We have done simunitions, a variety of simulations, defensive tactics, and physical fitness activities, all of which were a lot of fun.
The program is based on friendship, loyalty, and dedication not only to the program, but to the people in it as well. We look forward to the meeting because we are able share what we are passionate about with other people. If you are interested in joining the post, we meet the first and third Mondays of every month from 6:00-8:00 at the Rochester Police Department. If you are interested or have any questions you can contact Officer Andrew Jackson by email.